Monday, November 18, 2013

Primal 21 Day Challenge: Day 9

Day 9:

Okay, folks! Tomorrow for Day 9 you have two tasks:

(1) Avoid eating foods that have a label! This might mean you will find fresher foods from co-ops or other whole food stores. This might cause you to learn how to make your own dressings, dried fruits, or nut butters! Do the best you can and remember to avoid eating anything with a label:)

(2) Avoid media! We spend so much time in front of computers, phones, our TV, etc. You may have to be in front of a computer all day at work, but if that is the case then limit the extra media you engage with. Set time limits and give yourself these set times twice a day. Focus on the most important things {email, news, etc} and then close the device. Also, try to put on those screen dimmers/filters, such as f.lux, if not done so already to protect your eyes.

{This is from when my husband and I avoided labels by going apple picking!}

Meal/Snack Ideas:

Breakfast- crack in egg in each half of a pitted avocado, sprinkle a favorite fermented cheese or pieces of bacon and bake in the oven until egg is cooked.

Lunch- fry/grill some ground beef or bison patties and add a fried egg on top with tomatoes or avocados. 

Dinner- make a ratatouille dish from online with fresh ingredients and fermented cheese. 

Snack- make your own primal trailmix!

Good luck tomorrow! Especially with limiting the media ;)

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