Sunday, January 5, 2014

A New Year's Primal 21 Day Challenge: Day 1

Day 1:
Tomorrow is the start of our FIRST 2014 Primal 21 Day Challenge!

Three things on the agenda:
  1. Determine meals for tomorrow and the remaining week {if you have time!} You also might want to pack a lunch for tomorrow if you have a busy day of work, school, or errands.
  2. Determine different ways to increase daily movement and perform them at least 3 different times during your day.
  3. Decide how you will relax before bed. 

Meal/Snack Ideas:

Breakfast- omelet cooked in coconut/extra virgin olive oil with veggies; eggs with sauteed kale and bacon that is uncured and without nitrates/nitrites; sunny-side-up eggs atop a green salad.

Lunch- spinach salad with boiled eggs, tomatoes, olives and an extra virgin olive oil dressing with sea salt and freshly squeezed lemon juice; (if you made a roast, pulled pork or other meat for a Sunday dinner the day before) put leftover meat atop a green salad along with avocados; pan cooked chicken thighs with oven baked vegetables in extra virgin olive oil, sea salt and pepper along with a baked sweet potato.

Dinner- baked cabbage with sausage and onions; vegetable soup with a side of meat; Crock Pot Lemon Pepper Chicken with baked asparagus.

Snacks- celery or sliced apples with almond butter; avocado sprinkled with sea salt; boiled eggs; Sweet Potato Chips; clementines.

Increased Movement Ideas:
Take a walk in the morning with your dog; take 30-60 min breaks from work to walk around, get a drink, etc; walk to the store; take your kids to the park; take a family stroll after dinner.
(Ensure this is happening at least 3x/day!)

Relaxation Ideas:

Dim/turn off lights as the sun goes down; light candles; read a book; put dimmers or download them to your computer (i.e. f.lux); turn off your TV/phone/tablet/computer at least a couple hours before bed; read to your children; spend time with family/friends.

Lastly, document!
-where you shopped for primal foods
-how you increased your daily movement during 3 different times in the day
-relaxation techniques tried
-energy level {POOR, AVERAGE, GREAT}
-satisfaction level with meals
-hunger level between meals

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