Saturday, September 26, 2015

DAY 14: Sunday, September 27th

Only ONE MORE WEEK! eeek!
Below I am sharing recipes that I have been meaning to try and have not yet, so if you get to it first, let me know if you liked it:)
I'll probably continue to do this unless I get to making it first;) Happy Saturday!

  1. REST. No workouts, just a lot of relaxation and spending time with those you love. Plan on taking a family stroll or take a nap on the couch!  Work on your relaxation techniques by putting away digital media 2hrs before bed, dimming lights, etc. You might also want to make a meal list for the upcoming week to get yourself organized and prepared for your last week of the primal challenge:)
Meal/Snack Ideas:

Breakfast- butternut squash frittata
(pic & recipe from
Skip the cheese if you want to lose weight, otherwise, use hard, aged cheeses. Click HERE for the recipe!

Lunch- shrimp scampi
(pic and recipe from
Head over HERE for the recipe:)

Dinner- grilled salmon with avocado salsa
(pic and recipe from the cookie
Try out the recipe that I found from HERE!

Snacks- olives, grape tomatoes and fermented cheese of your choice mixed with olive oil and basil.

Jot down some notes!
-how you increased your daily movement
-relaxation techniques tried
-energy level {POOR, AVERAGE, GREAT}
-satisfaction level with meals
-hunger level between meals

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