Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sunday - Day 14

Tomorrow is Day 14! Two weeks down, one week to go:)

Day 14 Agenda:
  1. REST. No workouts, just a lot of relaxation and spending time with those you love. Plan on taking a family stroll or take a nap on the couch!  Work on your relaxation techniques by putting away digital media 2hrs before bed, dimming lights, etc. You might also want to make a meal list for the upcoming week to get yourself organized and prepared for your last week of the primal challenge:)
Meal/Snack Ideas:
Breakfast- fry up onions, peppers and other veggies to put with leftover meat or {my favorite breakfast food} eggs:)

Lunch- chicken salad wrapped in lettuce.

Dinner- Tomato Basil Soup with a side of oven roasted veggies or meat.
  • 1 large can diced tomatoes
  • 1 cup heavy cream (raw/unpasteurized/etc.)
  • 1 stick of butter (raw/hormone free/antibiotic fee/etc.)
  • 15 fresh basil leaves (or sage...I used sage and it was great!)
  • salt
  • pepper
In a large pot put in the diced tomatoes (juice and all) and put it on the stove over medium heat. Once it starts to bubble a little, turn it down to low/medium heat and let it simmer for 30 minutes stirring occasionally. Take off heat add basil/sage and puree or use stick blender to blend until mostly blended (I like some clumps of tomato). Put back over heat low heat and stir in the heavy cream. Then add butter and stir until all melted without boiling the soup.

Snacks- olives, grape tomatoes and fermented cheese of your choice mixed with olive oil and basil.

-how you increased your daily movement
-relaxation techniques tried
-energy level {POOR, AVERAGE, GREAT}
-satisfaction level with meals
-hunger level between meals

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