Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Wednesday - Day 10

Want to stay motivated?! Listen to this impressive interview of the author from 'Wheat Belly'. His name is Dr. William Davis and he had his patients go without wheat to see the effects... check out what happened HERE! This was also another interview that persuaded ME.

I hope these links help you to stay focused. If you're not seeing all of your results just yet, be patient. I will also talk more about Mark Sisson's "80/20" concept when we get towards the end of the challenge for you to incorporate or you may want to continue to be strict for a while until you hit your goal weight.

Day 10 Agenda:
  1. Eat whenever and whatever you want! Mix up your meal, get crazy:) Eat whatever sounds good that falls in line with the primal food pyramid. Now while doing this, get rid of any guilty feelings from eating or other emotions tied to eating and just enjoy your food. For the remainder of this challenge, ENJOY PRIMAL FOOD.
  2. Complete a sprint session! Do about 5min of a light warm-up such as jumping jacks, high knees, or jog. Then, put on running shoes and decide on a number of sets to complete. For example, you could complete 5-8 sets of 10-30 seconds of sprinting with a recovery in between {rest for about 60 seconds or until your breathing is back to normal} doing any cardio activity: running, rowing, bicycling, stationary bike, etc.
The benefits of sprinting: slight increase in human growth hormone {HGH} and testosterone production, increase in muscle fiber growth, toned muscles, and metabolic advantages.

Meal/Snack Ideas...all mixed up, of course!:
Breakfast- a dinner favorite or leftovers from last night!

Lunch- cheesy omelet and spinach.

Dinner- a lunch favorite or breakfast again like... cutting the top off of bell peppers, take out the pit, put in an egg or two and stuff with bits of meat/bacon/etc. and pop in the oven to bake until cooked.

Snack- Sweet Potato Chips

Do you own a mandolin?! We just bought one about a week ago and it has changed my life:) I can now cut sweet potatoes to the perfect size for a chip! I have been using it on everything now...


  • 2-3 sweet potatoes
  • 2 Tbs olive oil
  • sea salt
Cut up your sweet potatoes to a chip width {I hope you have a handy device, too;)} and toss in a bowl with olive oil and sea salt. I then use a cookie rack to place on top of a baking sheet to spread the chips out on, so they cook evenly OR you could flip the chips halfway through baking. Then I bake in the oven for 15 min at 350 degrees.

Dessert- apples dipped in hazelnut butter.

{Please try to find one other than this brand due to the sugar content!}

-how you increased your daily movement
-how you did with cutting ties between food and emotions
-sprint workout
-relaxation techniques tried
-energy level {POOR, AVERAGE, GREAT}
-satisfaction level with meals
-hunger level between meals

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